Always Watching

March 27, 2015

QUIET of Always Watching Collective

How long have you been producing your brand?
We have been around since 2006 but have been running as a formal brand since late 2012.

Do you have a signature style that you are known for?
Not so much “signature” but we get complimented a lot on the cleanliness and graphic boldness of our designs. I’ve been told it looks like a skate brand which is always a compliment to me since skateboarding is my first love.

Where does your inspiration come from?
Life and everything in between. It’s safe to say inspiration comes from everywhere. Perhaps even from you who is reading this now. Who knows. I will say being in spirit and emerged in a creative energy is one of the most beautiful experiences though, and that doesn’t necessarily only mean in fashion.

What is your creative process like?
Typically there is no one particular process of designing new product. If I have an idea I’m always sure to make a note of it, so when I get with my graphic designer he can start cooking it up. We’ll usually just sit with each other and add and subtract what we like and don’t like until the design comes to life. Every idea, every design is always a different process.

How did you come up with your name brand and logo?
One cold winter night after many failed attempts of trying different logos, drawings, faces, ideas and images, my brother scanned an old baby photo of himself and started modifying it. After a couple hours our logo is what was birthed. It has changed a little bit over these years by becoming more sharp and clean — but has generally always stayed the same. I don’t remember the exact moment but we overheard someone mentioning that “phantom looking face sticker” that was all over the city and they said, “It’s like, it’s always watching,” and just like that we had a name. #magic

Is there a message or idea behind your brand?
That’s a tough one. We want to say so much and express ourselves so much that it’s hard to answer without being categorized. So life, death, broken hearts, girlfriends, failed relationships, graffiti, wheatpasting, belonging, skating, action sports, music, drugs, god, the devil, dope shit, good and evil, simplicity, awareness, modernism, art, models, you, me, photography, enlightenment, and most importantly oneness. That is the message behind our brand. When you purchase something from us, we want you to feel like you’re a part of the brotherhood, part of the clicka. All the earnings go right back into the vision so we’re not just collecting money.

Do you create all the designs?
I am fortunate to work with my friend Tony Dumbrique when coming to designs. He comes up with concepts or ideas and then we go from there. Sometimes other friends and even at times co-workers have given me ideas to spark a new design. Other times, I have reached out to fellow artists whose work I enjoy and let them fully create for us and take my idea into their own hands.

You’re also in a band. How does music influence AW?
Yes, I am part of a trio called “The Discomfort” alongside Larry Benjamin and Dj Ba5e. Music hasn’t had too much of a direct influence into our brand, however there are certain ideas and quotes of mine or Lars’ that I would like to eventually incorporate into a design and have them printed as shirts or stickers.

What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
Of course seeing the final product in its physical form, but I’d have to say, when I randomly see people wearing our product and when someone tells me, “Hey I seen someone wearing one of your shirts!” It’s a wonderful feeling. Meeting goals is always rewarding as well which encourages us to just keep moving forward no matter how fast or slow progress is.


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