March 21, 2015


Bold. Colorful. Dramatic. Cinematic.
The visions of Jonathan Portugal’s often paint canvases in one’s mind. 

interview by Jorge Perezchica

So, tell us about yourself and your photography.
I was born in Mexicali but moved to Cathedral City at a very young age, where I attended middle and high school. My passion for photography began when I was in university, where I obtained a degree in Integral Design. Somehow I had always been involved in different branches of art, such as painting, dance and sculpture, but it was with photography that I discovered my real passion. I felt very confident and strong about expressing all the ideas I have through this form of art.

Photography has allowed me to get to know myself better, through every corner of my mind, which is what I try to deliver to my audience, a different perspective about any topic. I like to create imagery that will provoke a reaction, good or bad, but always with an impact. I like to think that by creating images that are different, I invite people to open their minds, broadening their mental bank of images, making them embrace things out of the ordinary.

“What I enjoy the most is the possibility to create without boundaries, to pour my mind all over stories that are valuable to me, but for somebody else it could have a different meaning, depending on their state of mind.”

Where does your inspiration come from, do you have any major influences?
Some time ago I was in Mexico City, and I happened to walk into a David LaChappelle’s exhibition, and I couldn’t help being stunned by the use of colors and style in the different stages. I was impressed by the skillful use of concepts and themes, and I said to myself, this is where I want to get, to be able to develop my own signature style to a point of becoming instantly recognizable. Another photographer that inspires me is Steven Klein. The way he uses mystery and sobriety amuses me, the mix of beauty and frivolity of colors provokes all sorts of emotions. I also find the works of Alexander McQueen and Alejandro Jodorowsky very inspiring for the creation of the PORTUGAL signature.

What do you enjoy the most about photography?
What I enjoy the most is the possibility to create without boundaries, to pour my mind all over stories that are valuable to me, but for somebody else it could have a different meaning, depending on their state of mind. I like to create images without an ending, so you can give it the closeout that you see fit.

Describe your creative process.
My creative process works in many ways. I could find inspiration in music, and suddenly images start streaming into my mind. I always carry a notebook for these cases or even my notepad on my phone, writing down key words, sketches. Sometimes it’s a song, sometimes it could be a movie, a picture, shapes and nature, inspiration sources are everywhere. Once I have the whole picture, I organize my thoughts into a storyline and sketch, so it’ll be easier to work the moment I get to the photoshoot location.

Do you see a link between fashion, film and music in your photography?
Definitely, there is a strong bond between them, and I use those resources whenever I am working on a concept,  frequently find inspiration in music for my photography sessions. There is a film in particular by Alejandro Jodorowsky, film maker and artist, titled “The Holy Mountain” that inspired me to create the “Cult” photo series. Many times, I could just be walking around with my headphones on, and I start creating stories in my head, ideas for photo sessions, coming from the songs I am listening to. Fashion is in my head all the time. I always think of  making stories in random places. For instance, I could visualize a decaying stage, and the contrast that using a model with a unique look, giving it a story, can create very interesting results.

How do you see the current art and scene in Mexico?
It’s surprising the growth of opportunities these days in Mexico for anybody interested in these areas, such as experimental photography, magazines, product marketing photography, etc. Art branches as Design and Photography are starting to develop throughout the country, nowadays even in mid-sized cities such as Mexicali (in which I reside), where people are demanding for more and more high-quality work in these arts. Nevertheless, at the moment, the growth possibilities are more latent going to large cities, which is the plan I have right now, where you can learn anything you want about any artistic area.

What are your major goals as an artist?
I would like to be recognized for my own style. Working with top of the notch brands to create advertising campaigns, fashion editorials for renowned magazines and photography of popular culture icons.

Do you have any favorite collaborators, or anyone specific you would want to collaborate with?
I would love to work with Brooke Candy, LA artist, because of her style and strength. Also with Die Antwoord, which is a South African band with a uniquely strong essence. There are also several designers I would be thrilled to work with such as Nicole Winters or Rik Villa.

How important do you feel social media is to photographers to get their work out there and be seen?
I think it is of utmost importance. These days there are many talented people out there, and fortunately there are many different technology platforms that can be put to use to promote your work. You have to be smart about  exhibit your work somehow, searching for the best way to cause a major impact, so you can move forward in getting the attention and results you want.

I see drama/tension in your photography, whether it’s two friends turning at each other or a woman holding 2 other women by the leash or a male dripping in blood — is photography a cathartic/therapeutic experience to get things out of your system?
As a child I grew up watching horror, mystery and sci-fi movies. I find death and its cults fascinating. My mental bank of images is full of that kind of imagery. When I am doing photography, my goal is to break social paradigms combining elements of beauty, horror, sexuality and decay. That’s why so many of my projects are inspired by those genres. More than an emotion releasing experience I would say it’s an emotion provoking attempt, based on my personal background.

Your work is often cinematic — do you plan to work on films as well?
That’s something I definitely want to begin exploring.

People often say, “Everything has been done before.” How do you find a fresh approach to express and introduce new ideas?
That’s the exact moment when you have to literally apply yourself to create something new. No one has lived what you have, time and circumstances-wise. Your personal experience and a little bit of imagination come into play. You can always give a twist to something already created with your own style. Your personal background is the best source of inspiration when it comes to creating something new.

Do you feel we are experiencing a new renaissance?
Definitely, every now and then art is born again, and it leaves its mark in history, culture, our lifestyle. Everything is connected, and it’s in constant change, but at the same time the essence of what we are living remains.

What are you currently working on now?
At the moment I am working on my clothing line, dedicated to those that are looking to convey their own ideals. That’s the goal of my brand, which is about to be launched. In terms of photography, 2015 is a year full of projects, working with local and international fashion designers, models, fashion stylists, that I am still preparing.

What do you want the public to come away with when they see your images?
A positive influence by breaking social paradigms. Acceptance of a different type of beauty. A different perspective, away from everyday monotony.

How would you describe your photography?
In one word: unexpected.

What advice do you have for aspiring photographers?
Do or die. Do not put off the things you want to do. Do not be afraid of criticism. Dare to create something different, breaking the rules brings in the fun.


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