film - Page 3

Jonah Hill

Cinémas Palme d’Or hosted a live Q&A with Academy-Award® Nominee Jonah Hill and moderated by Bryan Cranston following the screening of “The Wolf of Wall Street” on 1/05/14. Recorded and edited by Jorge Perezchica, sound by Juan G. Ascencio/Coachella Magazine.
March 24, 2015

John Ridley

Cinémas Palme d’Or hosted a live Q&A with screenwriter and Oscar® Nominee John Ridley and moderated by Steve Mason following the screening of “12 Years A Slave.” Recorded 02/09/14 and edited by Jorge Perezchica/Coachella Magazine. “We need to remind ourselves sometimes, that
March 24, 2015


“I find myself as my own muse. I see myself as a blank canvas that could be anything.” Arslane Merabet interview A look into HooplaEIO’s Instagram stream is like falling into the proverbial rabbit hole — through the lens of an artist, photographer, musician,
March 21, 2015



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