Taylor Ann Trad

July 18, 2015


Taylor Ann

text Taylor Ann Trad
photography Henry Tran

I feel extremely blessed to be a Coachella Valley native. There is something so serene and tranquil about this land. My family has been a part of this up-and-coming valley since the 1940/1950’s. My grandparents, Tianne Sanders and Shepard Sanders, play a huge role in why I do what I do. Poppop (Shepard Sanders) is an old school actor who funded his Hollywood career through his G.I. Bill. Tianne Sanders is a famous dancer/actress who started the first ever dance studio in Palm Springs called Palm Springs Dance Company. Acting is one of the strongest connections to truth I know. Having that artistic outlet from such a young age definitely played a huge role in my overall sanity. I found a family in the theatre, a family that loved me no matter how weird or uncool I was. To express everything you are feeling through your craft and to utilize your every being, that is art to me.

I was never trying to get into modeling as much as it was trying to get into me. Growing up on the stage I constantly had people telling me, “Wow you should be a model.” Did it fill my head up? Maybe… Kidding, but still to this day when people ask me if I am a model, I say no — I am an artist. A lot of people ask about American Apparel, and what that was like. Well, I moved to Los Angeles at nineteen to study at Play House West. I was approached to model for AA while shopping for a leotard (dancer’s duties). I had a test shoot and two months later I found my face on the corner of Hollywood/Highland. It was fun fulfilling one of my childhood fantasies. In middle school I used to browse their website and look at all the beautiful representations of real women with real bodies, no makeup — just in the raw, wearing basics.

My sense of fashion, I would say, is like dressing an excited little five-year-old girl who just snuck into her parents’ closet. I wear lots of colors, I own an article of clothing from every era. I can go from Lolita to lumberjack real quick, it all just depends on my mood. Sometimes I don’t even care, I’ll walk outside in what I slept in, unbrushed hair, no makeup; I like that look too.

Social media has definitely helped my modeling and acting career — I’ve actually booked jobs. So, that’s always fun. I definitely see a huge shift in the modeling industry. A lot of people are sick and tired of the impression that all models are stick, skinny individuals who have eating disorders. Our youth is our future, and it is very important to teach these girls and boys good self-loving tactics at a young age.

I am also a new business owner. My best friend Melinda Vida and I opened up a business called Palm Springs Dates N Shakes. Dates are something that make Palm Springs Palm Springs, and to get an actual date shake that is good for you is hard. Our shakes will be made with 100% love, all organic goodies, and we believe in supporting locally. Everything will be eco-friendly and BPA-free.

I’m new to music creation, but I am lucky enough to have met an amazing partner, Dean Tepper, aka @flyhatsmusic. He just lets me be my crazy, wild self. Recently I have started putting my poetry to lyrics, and the music I hear in my soul into production. One song we’re currently working on is based off of a meditation I was having… literally a meditation into the microphone. Flowing freely, we want our audience to feel that when they’re listening.

Where do I see myself in ten years? Whoa, that’s a big question, especially for this momentary woman. I want to have already toured the world with my music and played multiple times at Coachella Fest. I want to expand on all of my business ventures, inspire young teens to love and appreciate themselves, star in a few award-winning feature films, and possibly teach.

Your beauty comes from your heart. To love and to be loved, and, most importantly, to love yourself. You never know what you’ll find out there, maybe you’ll even find yourself.