text by Marlley Gonzalez
In 2017, the Coachella Valley Women’s March joined a powerful movement which adheres strongly to the ideals of equality and freedom. On January 18th from 10 am-2 pm the 4th annual Coachella Valley Women’s March will once again provide a space for the public to come together in solidarity, to voice and educate on a wide range of women’s issues. Mark your calendars and set your reminders because, you can expect a week-long series of activities starting January 10th and leading up to the main event. The official kick-off party will be hosted at Flat Black Art Supply for the poster reveal. Enjoy an evening (6pm-9pm) dedicated to celebrating women from art to spoken word and live musical performances by Blue Suns, The Sol Suns and Milhan.
The activities continue on January 11th with Virtue of Necessity at Coachella Valley Art Center in Indio, Ca. On January 12th a hike gathering will be held at Hills Badlands Trails (corner of Avenue 42 and Golf Center Pkwy) and facilitated by the fearless leader Karen Borja, director of Community Affairs for Planned Parenthood Action Fund of the Pacific Southwest. A yoga instructor will guide healing and breathing exercises before and after the hike. “It’s not just about going for a hike, it is about coming together as a community. Yes, preparing ourselves physically but also maybe even spiritually and mentality,” expressed Gabriela Armenta, CV Women’s March coordinator.

The spiritual journey continues on January 13th at Coachella Valley Art Center with a healing circle led by Gabriela Armenta. You can expect information about traditional medicines, healing properties and a Danza Azteca performance. Then, on January 14th Culturas Music and Arts will host a poster party from 6pm-9pm. Bring your family and join the poster making creativity at Coachella Valley Arts Center. On January 16th Raices Cultura is hosting an open mic. Followed by Valle Mujxr the official pre-party on January 17. The show will take place at Ruben’s Ranch in the city of Coachella and is produced by Palma City and Culturas Music and Arts.
“We have a lot of really strong, powerful women and gender nonbinary women in the Coachella valley. The Women’s March is here to create space for us to lead a community conversation, no one is excluded. Everyone is welcome to help us plan, to come, volunteer, participate and march with us. It is a space where we hope that others get inspired to continue leading because of who they are not in spite of who they are,” says Karen Borja.
All walks of life are welcome to attend the Coachella Valley Women’s March. From raising awareness, to having your voice heard. On January 18th anthems of equality will roar across the community. “The Women’s March gives an opportunity to educate, give them a platform to express themselves and share with other people what those needs and fears are. How we can navigate the system,” says Luz E Moreno, CV Women’s March coordinator.
For more information, follow Coachella Valley Women March on social media for updates. “We feel that 2020 is a very big year for our community, we cannot miss the opportunity to have a public conversation about two very important things. First being the census and second being the election,” said Karen Borja.
Coachella Magazine interviewed three local CV Women’s March leaders: Karen Borja, Gabriela Armenta and Luz E Moreno. Watch the video and get to know them.
The Details:
WHAT: Coachella Valley Women’s March
WHEN: January 10-18, 2020
WHERE: Coachella Valley